Sunday, September 23, 2012

Gambling Girl

OOPS been a while since I have posted.  Been on a down turn, just attempting to recover and get back on my feet.  I have quit gambling, for now.  Can't see any way out by going to the casino and paying their salary with mine.  The last few trips have been the pits.  Lost so much money in the time since the last post. I hope someone reading this can learn from my mistakes. 
This all actually was from years ago however, I thought it was important enough to write about.  Maybe to heal the hurt all the gambling caused me.  I still think the worst thing was to win a chunk of money the first time. I did not like to gamble at all in the beginning.  I would go and be very stingy with my money, that was the time when we still put in coins.  Not like now where it is just a piece of paper, the sound of the coins dropping into the bin was exciting, sounded like magic.  Sounded like a million dollars not the fifteen coins it actually was.  Back then when I would win twenty dollars in coins I ran to the window and cashed them in, I would keep the few stray coins left over and plan them, hit another ten and run to the cashier again. I would continue on doing that all night it seemed to occupy me and keep me happy. 
Then, one night I was at the casino, putting in dollar coins two at a time and the unthinkable happen!  The symbols all lined up to give me a sisteen hundred dollar win and from that moment I was hooked.  Hooked on the rush of watching the symbols on that machine go round and round.  I put more coins in and watched, nothing, over and over again, but I now knew it was possible. Before I thought it was just a dream.
  I was married then and my husband was probably more excited than me so that fed the monster inside also.  I think that week we went every night.  We would win a little and lose alot.  Not good odds.
Well the marriage broke up and the first time I went alone I won enough to pay my rent so I was hooked even more.  I convinced myself that I was invincable.  I decided I wanted to go back to Las Vegas, I had been two times before the gambling bug hit me.  I had a great time both times.  The first time the tickets were a present for me from my father so that I could see there was more in the world.  That was a fun trip! We saw a large amount of the area around Las Vegas, we went sightseeing all day so I was tired at night.  I ate dinner hung out in the casino for a few hours then went to bed and watched TV. Exciting! 
The second trip was just as exciting I could not believe my mom was putting all those dollars into the machine. I ended up staying up late playing nickle poker, it was fun to hear the money come out of the machine but, I still guarded my money..
The trip after the bug hit me was awesome.  I began the trip by losing most of my stash, but the third night I was walking around playing dollar machines, winning enough to keep playing then I found a machine that just kept allowing me to keep cashing in dollar coins.  I kept racking them up, that was the time we had to rack the dollars and carry them to the cashier to cash in.  I did not want to leave the machine so I set them in the bin until there was no room and kept playing.  Then in the middle of the night the unthinkable happen...
All three wild symbols added up, I won ten thousand dollars.  I was so excited I almost felt sick at my stomach.  I had never had that much money in my hand at one time. I did not even comprehend ten thousand dollars and the meaning of that.  The casino host paid me off and then walked me to the security boxes so I could keep the cash there instead of my room or my purse.  I was so excited I knew things were going to be great for the rest of the trip.  I actually kept winning and ended up leaving Las Vegas with fourteen thousand dollars in my carry on bag.  I came home and opened two bank accounts knowing I was just going to fill both of them with the casino's money.  This was when Atlantic City was in the beginning stages. The casinos's were popping up and they were fun.  We had so much fun the first time in Las Vegas we or I decided I wanted to go back again.  I found tickets cheap enough and off we went again..
I walked in the door and won thirty-six hundred dollars immediately.  Of course, the trip was very lucrative.  I did end up loosing all I had won plus some. I did think that was ok because it was just a down slide and I would win it all back again.  I did not even think I cold loose everything.  But that was actually what happen in the coming years..
Back in New Jersey, I would go to Atlantic City at least four times a week.  One night I was loosing so bad I had to go to the check cashing window and write a check, no money in the bank, but they cashed it...
That was the night I learned how to get money from multiple sources just to gamble like a junkie trying to get drugs but my drug was gambling.
More to come....

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